We realise that many of our clients live far from town and therefore having a vet visit to vaccinate your horses can be very expensive. After a terrible year for AHS in the Eastern Cape we are hoping to make vaccination more affordable and convenient.
We are now offering zone visits which allow us to offer lower fixed price travel costs to our clients out of town.
For a zone visit to take place a minimum of 5 client are needed.
For owners with TEN horses or more we will be charging BASIC vaccine cost, travel and professional time ONLY which could reduce your vaccine bill by hundreds/thousands of rand.
Limited appointments will be available for routine consultations not vaccine related.
Please book with our reception team in advance and share our poster with others in your area!
N.B while it’s generally recommended to start vaccinating most horses in or after July, young stock should be vaccinated both at the beginning and at the end of the vaccination period!